Water, is taught by thirst
Water, is taught by thirst. Land by the Oceans passed. Transport by throe Peace by its battles told Love, by Memorial Mold Birds, by the Snow.
Bound a trouble
Bound a trouble And lives can bear it! Limit how deep a bleeding go! So many drops of vital scarlet Deal with the soul As with Algebra! Tell it the Ages to a cypher
He strained my faith
He strained my faith Did he find it supple? Shook my strong trust Did it then yield? Hurled my belief But did he shatter it? Racked with suspense Not a nerve failed! Wrung me
Awake ye muses nine
Awake ye muses nine, sing me a strain divine, Unwind the solemn twine, and tie my Valentine! Oh the Earth was made for lovers, for damsel, and hopeless swain, For sighing, and gentle whispering,
We can but follow to the Sun
We can but follow to the Sun As oft as He go down He leave Ourselves a Sphere behind ‘Tis mostly following We go no further with the Dust Than to the Earthen Door
To learn the Transport by the Pain
To learn the Transport by the Pain As Blind Men learn the sun! To die of thirst suspecting That Brooks in Meadows run! To stay the homesick homesick feet Upon a foreign shore Haunted
If ever the lid gets off my head
If ever the lid gets off my head And lets the brain away The fellow will go where he belonged Without a hint from me, And the world if the world be looking on
So from the mould
So from the mould Scarlet and Gold Many a Bulb will rise Hidden away, cunningly, From sagacious eyes. So from Cocoon Many a Worm Leap so Highland gay, Peasants like me, Peasants like Thee
The Dying need but little, Dear
The Dying need but little, Dear, A Glass of Water’s all, A Flower’s unobtrusive Face To punctuate the Wall, A Fan, perhaps, a Friend’s Regret And Certainty that one No color in the Rainbow
Sleep is supposed to be
Sleep is supposed to be By souls of sanity The shutting of the eye. Sleep is the station grand Down which, on either hand The hosts of witness stand! Morn is supposed to be
Too few the mornings be
Too few the mornings be, Too scant the nights. No lodging can be had For the delights That come to earth to stay, But no apartment find And ride away.
If I'm lost now
If I’m lost now That I was found Shall still my transport be That once on me those Jasper Gates Blazed open suddenly That in my awkward gazing face The Angels softly peered And
I cannot dance upon my Toes
I cannot dance upon my Toes No Man instructed me But oftentimes, among my mind, A Glee possesseth me, That had I Ballet knowledge Would put itself abroad In Pirouette to blanch a Troupe
The Treason of an accent
The Treason of an accent Might Ecstasy transfer Of her effacing Fathom Is no Recoverer The Treason of an Accent Might vilify the Joy To breathe corrode the rapture Of Sanctity to be
The Wind took up the Northern Things
The Wind took up the Northern Things And piled them in the south Then gave the East unto the West And opening his mouth The four Divisions of the Earth Did make as to