The Life we have is very great
The Life we have is very great. The Life that we shall see Surpasses it, we know, because It is Infinity. But when all Space has been beheld And all Dominion shown The smallest
A single Screw of Flesh
A single Screw of Flesh Is all that pins the Soul That stands for Deity, to Mine, Upon my side the Veil Once witnessed of the Gauze Its name is put away As far
A Mine there is no Man would own
A Mine there is no Man would own But must it be conferred, Demeaning by exclusive wealth A Universe beside Potosi never to be spent But hoarded in the mind What Misers wring their
Like her the Saints retire
Like her the Saints retire, In their Chapeaux of fire, Martial as she! Like her the Evenings steal Purple and Cochineal After the Day! “Departed” both they say! I. e. gathered away, Not found,
I send you a decrepit flower
I send you a decrepit flower That nature sent to me At parting she was going south And I designed to stay Her motive for the souvenir If sentiment for me Or circumstances prudential
Through the strait pass of suffering
Through the strait pass of suffering The Martyrs even trod. Their feet upon Temptations Their faces upon God A stately shriven Company Convulsion playing round Harmless as streaks of Meteor Upon a Planet’s Bond
A loss of something ever felt I
A loss of something ever felt I The first that I could recollect Bereft I was of what I knew not Too young that any should suspect A Mourner walked among the children I
They put Us far apart
They put Us far apart As separate as Sea And Her unsown Peninsula We signified “These see” They took away our Eyes They thwarted Us with Guns “I see Thee” each responded straight Through
A Door just opened on a street
A Door just opened on a street I lost was passing by An instant’s Width of Warmth disclosed And Wealth and Company. The Door as instant shut And I I lost was passing by
Her final Summer was it
Her final Summer was it And yet We guessed it not If tenderer industriousness Pervaded Her, We thought A further force of life Developed from within When Death lit all the shortness up It
It ceased to hurt me, though so slow
It ceased to hurt me, though so slow I could not feel the Anguish go But only knew by looking back That something had benumbed the Track Nor when it altered, I could say,
Sexton! My Master's sleeping here
Sexton! My Master’s sleeping here. Pray lead me to his bed! I came to build the Bird’s nest, And sow the Early seed That when the snow creeps slowly From off his chamber door
Ribbons of the Year
Ribbons of the Year Multitude Brocade Worn to Nature’s Party once Then, as flung aside As a faded Bead Or a Wrinkled Pearl Who shall charge the Vanity Of the Maker’s Girl?
A Field of Stubble, lying sere
A Field of Stubble, lying sere Beneath the second Sun Its Toils to Brindled People thrust Its Triumphs to the Bin Accosted by a timid Bird Irresolute of Alms Is often seen but seldom
Delight's Despair at setting
Delight’s Despair at setting Is that Delight is less Than the sufficing Longing That so impoverish. Enchantment’s Perihelion Mistaken oft has been For the Authentic orbit Of its Anterior Sun.