What Inn is this
What Inn is this Where for the night Peculiar Traveller comes? Who is the Landlord? Where the maids? Behold, what curious rooms! No ruddy fires on the hearth No brimming Tankards flow Necromancer! Landlord!
I heard, as if I had no Ear
I heard, as if I had no Ear Until a Vital Word Came all the way from Life to me And then I knew I heard. I saw, as if my Eye were on
Endow the Living with the Tears
Endow the Living with the Tears You squander on the Dead, And They were Men and Women now, Around Your Fireside Instead of Passive Creatures, Denied the Cherishing Till They the Cherishing deny With
'Twas a long Parting but the time
‘Twas a long Parting but the time For Interview had Come Before the Judgment Seat of God The last and second time These Fleshless Lovers met A Heaven in a Gaze A Heaven of
The Bee is not afraid of me
The Bee is not afraid of me. I know the Butterfly. The pretty people in the Woods Receive me cordially The Brooks laugh louder when I come The Breezes madder play; Wherefore mine eye
She could not live upon the Past
She could not live upon the Past The Present did not know her And so she sought this sweet at last And nature gently owned her The mother that has not a knell For
The Butterfly's Assumption Gown
The Butterfly’s Assumption Gown In Chrysoprase Apartments hung This afternoon put on How condescending to descend And be of Buttercups the friend In a New England Town
I took one Draught of Life
I took one Draught of Life I’ll tell you what I paid Precisely an existence The market price, they said. They weighed me, Dust by Dust They balanced Film with Film, Then handed me
Death is potential to that Man
Death is potential to that Man Who dies and to his friend Beyond that unconspicuous To Anyone but God Of these Two God remembers The longest for the friend Is integral and therefore Itself
The Bat is dun, with wrinkled Wings
The Bat is dun, with wrinkled Wings Like fallow Article And not a song pervade his Lips Or none perceptible. His small Umbrella quaintly halved Describing in the Air An Arc alike inscrutable Elate
The Crickets sang
The Crickets sang And set the Sun And Workmen finished one by one Their Seam the Day upon. The low Grass loaded with the Dew The Twilight stood, as Strangers do With Hat in
I think to Live may be a Bliss
I think to Live may be a Bliss To those who dare to try Beyond my limit to conceive My lip to testify I think the Heart I former wore Could widen till to
The Clover's simple Fame
The Clover’s simple Fame Remembered of the Cow Is better than enameled Realms Of notability. Renown perceives itself And that degrades the Flower The Daisy that has looked behind Has compromised its power
I'll tell you how the Sun rose
I’ll tell you how the Sun rose A Ribbon at a time The Steeples swam in Amethyst The news, like Squirrels, ran The Hills untied their Bonnets The Bobolinks begun Then I said softly
Distrustful of the Gentian
Distrustful of the Gentian And just to turn away, The fluttering of her fringes Child my perfidy Weary for my I will singing go I shall not feel the sleet then I shall not