We play at Paste
We play at Paste Till qualified, for Pearl Then, drop the Paste And deem ourself a fool The Shapes though were similar And our new Hands Learned Gem-Tactics Practicing Sands
You left me Sire two Legacies
You left me Sire two Legacies A Legacy of Love A Heavenly Father would suffice Had He the offer of You left me Boundaries of Pain Capacious as the Sea Between Eternity and Time
Myself was formed a Carpenter
Myself was formed a Carpenter An unpretending time My Plane and I, together wrought Before a Builder came To measure our attainments Had we the Art of Boards Sufficiently developed He’d hire us At
Out of sight? What of that?
Out of sight? What of that? See the Bird reach it! Curve by Curve Sweep by Sweep Round the Steep Air Danger! What is that to Her? Better ’tis to fail there Than debate
The difference between Despair
The difference between Despair And Fear is like the One Between the instant of a Wreck And when the Wreck has been The Mind is smooth no Motion Contented as the Eye Upon the
The Gentian weaves her fringes
The Gentian weaves her fringes The Maple’s loom is red My departing blossoms Obviate parade. A brief, but patient illness An hour to prepare, And one below this morning Is where the angels are
The Sky is low the Clouds are mean
The Sky is low the Clouds are mean. A Travelling Flake of Snow Across a Barn or through a Rut Debates if it will go A Narrow Wind complains all Day How some one
If recollecting were forgetting
If recollecting were forgetting, Then I remember not. And if forgetting, recollecting, How near I had forgot. And if to miss, were merry, And to mourn, were gay, How very blithe the fingers That
Expectation is Contentment
Expectation is Contentment Gain Satiety But Satiety Conviction Of Necessity Of an Austere trait in Pleasure Good, without alarm Is a too established Fortune Danger deepens Sum
Take your Heaven further on
Take your Heaven further on This to Heaven divine Has gone Had You earlier blundered in Possibly, e’en You had seen An Eternity put on Now to ring a Door beyond Is the utmost
The waters chased him as he fled
The waters chased him as he fled, Not daring look behind A billow whispered in his Ear, “Come home with me, my friend My parlor is of shriven glass, My pantry has a fish
The Past is such a curious Creature
The Past is such a curious Creature To look her in the Face A Transport may receipt us Or a Disgrace Unarmed if any meet her I charge him fly Her faded Ammunition Might
Autumn overlooked my Knitting
Autumn overlooked my Knitting Dyes said He have I Could disparage a Flamingo Show Me them said I Cochineal I chose for deeming It resemble Thee And the little Border Dusker For resembling Me
It knew no lapse, nor Diminuation
It knew no lapse, nor Diminuation But large serene Burned on until through Dissolution It failed from Men I could not deem these Planetary forces Annulled But suffered an Exchange of Territory Or World
A Thought went up my mind today
A Thought went up my mind today That I have had before But did not finish some way back I could not fix the Year Nor where it went nor why it came The