The Opening and the Close

The Opening and the Close Of Being, are alike Or differ, if they do, As Bloom upon a Stalk. That from an equal Seed Unto an equal Bud Go parallel, perfected In that they

My friend must be a Bird

My friend must be a Bird Because it flies! Mortal, my friend must be, Because it dies! Barbs has it, like a Bee! Ah, curious friend! Thou puzzlest me!

A solemn thing it was I said

A solemn thing it was I said A woman white to be And wear if God should count me fit Her blameless mystery A hallowed thing to drop a life Into the purple well

I lived on Dread

I lived on Dread To Those who know The Stimulus there is In Danger Other impetus Is numb and Vitalless As ’twere a Spur upon the Soul A Fear will urge it where To

An altered look about the hills

An altered look about the hills A Tyrian light the village fills A wider sunrise in the morn A deeper twilight on the lawn A print of a vermillion foot A purple finger on

Inconceivably solemn!

Inconceivably solemn! Things go gay Pierce by the very Press Of Imagery Their far Parades order on the eye With a mute Pomp A pleading Pageantry Flags, are a brave sight But no true

I prayed, at first, a little Girl

I prayed, at first, a little Girl, Because they told me to But stopped, when qualified to guess How prayer would feel to me If I believed God looked around, Each time my Childish

The Province of the Saved

The Province of the Saved Should be the Art To save Through Skill obtained in Themselves The Science of the Grave No Man can understand But He that hath endured The Dissolution in Himself

Truth is as old as God

Truth is as old as God His Twin identity And will endure as long as He A Co-Eternity And perish on the Day Himself is borne away From Mansion of the Universe A lifeless

The Fact that Earth is Heaven

The Fact that Earth is Heaven Whether Heaven is Heaven or not If not an Affidavit Of that specific Spot Not only must confirm us That it is not for us But that it

The Notice that is called the Spring

The Notice that is called the Spring Is but a month from here Put up my Heart thy Hoary work And take a Rosy Chair. Not any House the Flowers keep The Birds enamor

If anybody's friend be dead

If anybody’s friend be dead It’s sharpest of the theme The thinking how they walked alive At such and such a time Their costume, of a Sunday, Some manner of the Hair A prank

A Toad, can die of Light

A Toad, can die of Light Death is the Common Right Of Toads and Men Of Earl and Midge The privilege Why swagger, then? The Gnat’s supremacy is large as Thine Life is a

The Lamp burns sure within

The Lamp burns sure within Tho’ Serfs supply the Oil It matters not the busy Wick At her phosphoric toil! The Slave forgets to fill The Lamp burns golden on Unconscious that the oil

I watched the Moon around the House

I watched the Moon around the House Until upon a Pane She stopped a Traveller’s privilege for Rest And there upon I gazed as at a stranger The Lady in the Town Doth think

We miss a Kinsman more

We miss a Kinsman more When warranted to see Than when withheld of Oceans From possibility A Furlong than a League Inflicts a pricklier pain, Till We, who smiled at Pyrenees Of Parishes, complain.

Whose cheek is this?

Whose cheek is this? What rosy face Has lost a blush today? I found her “pleiad” in the woods And bore her safe away. Robins, in the tradition Did cover such with leaves, But

Which is the best the Moon or the Crescent?

Which is the best the Moon or the Crescent? Neither said the Moon That is best which is not Achieve it You efface the Sheen. Not of detention is Fruition Shudder to attain. Transport’s

I'm ceded I've stopped being Theirs

I’m ceded I’ve stopped being Theirs The name They dropped upon my face With water, in the country church Is finished using, now, And They can put it with my Dolls, My childhood, and

The morns are meeker than they were

The morns are meeker than they were The nuts are getting brown The berry’s cheek is plumper The Rose is out of town. The Maple wears a gayer scarf The field a scarlet gown

The Wind begun to rock the Grass

The Wind begun to rock the Grass With threatening Tunes and low He threw a Menace at the Earth A Menace at the Sky. The Leaves unhooked themselves from Trees And started all abroad

Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights

Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights With plain inspecting face “Did you” or “Did you not,” to ask ‘Tis “Conscience” Childhood’s Nurse With Martial Hand she strokes the Hair Upon my wincing Head

How noteless Men, and Pleiads, stand

How noteless Men, and Pleiads, stand, Until a sudden sky Reveals the fact that One is rapt Forever from the Eye Members of the Invisible, Existing, while we stare, In Leagueless Opportunity, O’ertakenless, as

Myself can read the Telegrams

Myself can read the Telegrams A Letter chief to me The Stock’s advance and Retrograde And what the Markets say The Weather how the Rains In Counties have begun. ‘Tis News as null as

I lost a World the other day!

I lost a World the other day! Has Anybody found? You’ll know it by the Row of Stars Around its forehead bound. A Rich man might not notice it Yet to my frugal Eye,

A soft Sea washed around the House

A soft Sea washed around the House A Sea of Summer Air And rose and fell the magic Planks That sailed without a care For Captain was the Butterfly For Helmsman was the Bee

Mute thy Coronation

Mute thy Coronation Meek my Vive le roi, Fold a tiny courtier In thine Ermine, Sir, There to rest revering Till the pageant by, I can murmur broken, Master, It was I

What mystery pervades a well!

What mystery pervades a well! That water lives so far A neighbor from another world Residing in a jar Whose limit none have ever seen, But just his lid of glass Like looking every

When I count the seeds

When I count the seeds That are sown beneath, To bloom so, bye and bye When I con the people Lain so low, To be received as high When I believe the garden Mortal

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, And Mourners to and fro Kept treading treading till it seemed That Sense was breaking through And when they all were seated, A Service, like a Drum

Removed from Accident of Loss

Removed from Accident of Loss By Accident of Gain Befalling not my simple Days Myself had just to earn Of Riches as unconscious As is the Brown Malay Of Pearls in Eastern Waters, Marked

Before I got my eye put out

Before I got my eye put out I liked as well to see As other Creatures, that have Eyes And know no other way But were it told to me Today That I might

Which is best? Heaven

Which is best? Heaven Or only Heaven to come With that old Codicil of Doubt? I cannot help esteem The “Bird within the Hand” Superior to the one The “Bush” may yield me Or

The power to be true to You

The power to be true to You, Until upon my face The Judgment push his Picture Presumptuous of Your Place Of This Could Man deprive Me Himself the Heaven excel Whose invitation Yours reduced

I took my power in my hand

I took my power in my hand And went AGAINST the world ‘Twas not so much as David had But I was twice as bold I aimed by pebble, but myself Was ALL the

Consulting summer's clock

Consulting summer’s clock, But half the hours remain. I ascertain it with a shock I shall not look again. The second half of joy Is shorter than the first. The truth I do not

You see I cannot see your lifetime

You see I cannot see your lifetime I must guess How many times it ache for me today Confess How many times for my far sake The brave eyes film But I guess guessing

High from the earth I heard a bird

High from the earth I heard a bird, He trod upon the trees As he esteemed them trifles, And then he spied a breeze, And situated softly Upon a pile of wind Which in

The harm of Years is on him

The harm of Years is on him The infamy of Time Depose him like a Fashion And give Dominion room. Forget his Morning Forces The Glory of Decay Is a minuter Pageant Than least

Bees are Black, with Gilt Surcingles

Bees are Black, with Gilt Surcingles Buccaneers of Buzz. Ride abroad in ostentation And subsist on Fuzz. Fuzz ordained not Fuzz contingent Marrows of the Hill. Jugs a Universe’s fracture Could not jar or

I have a King, who does not speak

I have a King, who does not speak So wondering thro’ the hours meek I trudge the day away Half glad when it is night, and sleep, If, haply, thro’ a dream, to peep

More than the Grave is closed to me

More than the Grave is closed to me The Grave and that Eternity To which the Grave adheres I cling to nowhere till I fall The Crash of nothing, yet of all How similar

It's easy to invent a Life

It’s easy to invent a Life God does it every Day Creation but the Gambol Of His Authority It’s easy to efface it The thrifty Deity Could scarce afford Eternity To Spontaneity The Perished

One Crucifixion is recorded only

One Crucifixion is recorded only How many be Is not affirmed of Mathematics Or History One Calvary exhibited to Stranger As many be As persons or Peninsulas Gethsemane Is but a Province in the

I saw that the Flake was on it

I saw that the Flake was on it But plotted with Time to dispute “Unchanged” I urged with a candor That cost me my honest Heart But “you” she returned with valor Sagacious of

My Wars are laid away in Books

My Wars are laid away in Books I have one Battle more A Foe whom I have never seen But oft has scanned me o’er And hesitated me between And others at my side,

Teach Him When He makes the names

Teach Him When He makes the names Such an one to say On his babbling Berry lips As should sound to me Were my Ear as near his nest As my thought today As

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant Success in Circuit lies Too bright for our infirm Delight The Truth’s superb surprise As Lightning to the Children eased With explanation kind The Truth must

All forgot for recollecting

All forgot for recollecting Just a paltry One All forsook, for just a Stranger’s New Accompanying Grace of Wealth, and Grace of Station Less accounted than An unknown Esteem possessing Estimate Who can Home

Tie the Strings to my Life, My Lord

Tie the Strings to my Life, My Lord, Then, I am ready to go! Just a look at the Horses Rapid! That will do! Put me in on the firmest side So I shall

There is a Shame of Nobleness

There is a Shame of Nobleness Confronting Sudden Pelf A finer Shame of Ecstasy Convicted of Itself A best Disgrace a Brave Man feels Acknowledged of the Brave One More “Ye Blessed” to be

A little East of Jordan

A little East of Jordan, Evangelists record, A Gymnast and an Angel Did wrestle long and hard Till morning touching mountain And Jacob, waxing strong, The Angel begged permission To Breakfast to return Not

No Notice gave She, but a Change

No Notice gave She, but a Change No Message, but a Sigh For Whom, the Time did not suffice That She should specify. She was not warm, though Summer shone Nor scrupulous of cold

Exultation is the going

Exultation is the going Of an inland soul to sea, Past the houses past the headlands Into deep Eternity Bred as we, among the mountains, Can the sailor understand The divine intoxication Of the

The Heart has narrow Banks

The Heart has narrow Banks It measures like the Sea In mighty unremitting Bass And Blue Monotony Till Hurricane bisect And as itself discerns Its insufficient Area The Heart convulsive learns That Calm is

The Days that we can spare

The Days that we can spare Are those a Function die Or Friend or Nature stranded then In our Economy Our Estimates a Scheme Our Ultimates a Sham We let go all of Time

Bloom is Result to meet a Flower

Bloom is Result to meet a Flower And casually glance Would scarcely cause one to suspect The minor Circumstance Assisting in the Bright Affair So intricately done Then offered as a Butterfly To the

The Body grows without

The Body grows without The more convenient way That if the Spirit like to hide Its Temple stands, alway, Ajar secure inviting It never did betray The Soul that asked its shelter In solemn

She laid her docile Crescent down

She laid her docile Crescent down And this confiding Stone Still states to Dates that have forgot The News that she is gone So constant to its stolid trust, The Shaft that never knew

The Fingers of the Light

The Fingers of the Light Tapped soft upon the Town With “I am great and cannot wait So therefore let me in.” “You’re soon,” the Town replied, “My Faces are asleep But swear, and

The Road to Paradise is plain

The Road to Paradise is plain, And holds scarce one. Not that it is not firm But we presume A Dimpled Road Is more preferred. The Belles of Paradise are few Not me nor

If I should cease to bring a Rose

If I should cease to bring a Rose Upon a festal day, ‘Twill be because beyond the Rose I have been called away If I should cease to take the names My buds commemorate

Its Hour with itself

Its Hour with itself The Spirit never shows. What Terror would enthrall the Street Could Countenance disclose The Subterranean Freight The Cellars of the Soul Thank God the loudest Place he made Is license

If I could bribe them by a Rose

If I could bribe them by a Rose I’d bring them every flower that grows From Amherst to Cashmere! I would not stop for night, or storm Or frost, or death, or anyone My

The One who could repeat the Summer day

The One who could repeat the Summer day Were greater than itself though He Minutest of Mankind should be And He could reproduce the Sun At period of going down The Lingering and the

If all the griefs I am to have

If all the griefs I am to have Would only come today, I am so happy I believe They’d laugh and run away. If all the joys I am to have Would only come

Savior! I've no one else to tell

Savior! I’ve no one else to tell And so I trouble thee. I am the one forgot thee so Dost thou remember me? Nor, for myself, I came so far That were the little

What tenements of clover

What tenements of clover Are fitting for the bee, What edifices azure For butterflies and me What residences nimble Arise and evanesce Without a rhythmic rumor Or an assaulting guess.

Two swimmers wrestled on the spar

Two swimmers wrestled on the spar Until the morning sun When One turned smiling to the land Oh God! the Other One! The stray ships passing Spied a face Upon the waters borne With

A Solemn thing within the Soul

A Solemn thing within the Soul To feel itself get ripe And golden hang while farther up The Maker’s Ladders stop And in the Orchard far below You hear a Being drop A Wonderful

How know it from a Summer's Day?

How know it from a Summer’s Day? Its Fervors are as firm And nothing in the Countenance But scintillates the same Yet Birds examine it and flee And Vans without a name Inspect the

A Cap of Lead across the sky

A Cap of Lead across the sky Was tight and surly drawn We could not find the mighty Face The Figure was withdrawn A Chill came up as from a shaft Our noon became

Rearrange a "Wife's" affection!

Rearrange a “Wife’s” affection! When they dislocate my Brain! Amputate my freckled Bosom! Make me bearded like a man! Blush, my spirit, in thy Fastness Blush, my unacknowledged clay Seven years of troth have

The pretty Rain from those sweet Eaves

The pretty Rain from those sweet Eaves Her unintending Eyes Took her own Heart, including ours, By innocent Surprise The wrestle in her simple Throat To hold the feeling down That vanquished her defeated

When I was small, a Woman died

When I was small, a Woman died Today her Only Boy Went up from the Potomac His face all Victory To look at her How slowly The Seasons must have turned Till Bullets clipt

When they come back if Blossoms do

When they come back if Blossoms do I always feel a doubt If Blossoms can be born again When once the Art is out When they begin, if Robins may, I always had a

The Moon is distant from the Sea

The Moon is distant from the Sea And yet, with Amber Hands She leads Him docile as a Boy Along appointed Sands He never misses a Degree Obedient to Her Eye He comes just

One of the ones that Midas touched

One of the ones that Midas touched Who failed to touch us all Was that confiding Prodigal The reeling Oriole So drunk he disavows it With badinage divine So dazzling we mistake him For

She sped as Petals of a Rose

She sped as Petals of a Rose Offended by the Wind A frail Aristocrat of Time Indemnity to find Leaving on nature a Default As Cricket or as Bee But Andes in the Bosoms

Bereavement in their death to feel

Bereavement in their death to feel Whom We have never seen A Vital Kinsmanship import Our Soul and theirs between For Stranger Strangers do not mourn There be Immortal friends Whom Death see first

If those I loved were lost

If those I loved were lost The Crier’s voice would tell me If those I loved were found The bells of Ghent would ring Did those I loved repose The Daisy would impel me.

Summer is shorter than any one

Summer is shorter than any one Life is shorter than Summer Seventy Years is spent as quick As an only Dollar Sorrow now is polite and stays See how well we spurn him Equally

A House upon the Height

A House upon the Height That Wagon never reached No Dead, were ever carried down No Peddler’s Cart approached Whose Chimney never smoked Whose Windows Night and Morn Caught Sunrise first and Sunset last

Bless God, he went as soldiers

Bless God, he went as soldiers, His musket on his breast Grant God, he charge the bravest Of all the martial blest! Please God, might I behold him In epauletted white I should not

Of the Heart that goes in, and closes the Door

Of the Heart that goes in, and closes the Door Shall the Playfellow Heart complain Though the Ring is unwhole, and the Company broke Can never be fitted again?

On this long storm the Rainbow rose

On this long storm the Rainbow rose On this late Morn the Sun The clouds like listless Elephants Horizons straggled down The Birds rose smiling, in their nests The gales indeed were done Alas,

Musicians wrestle everywhere

Musicians wrestle everywhere All day among the crowded air I hear the silver strife And walking long before the morn Such transport breaks upon the town I think it that “New Life”! If is

I fear a Man of frugal Speech

I fear a Man of frugal Speech I fear a Silent Man Haranguer I can overtake Or Babbler entertain But He who weigheth While the Rest Expend their furthest pound Of this Man I

He parts Himself like Leaves

He parts Himself like Leaves And then He closes up Then stands upon the Bonnet Of Any Buttercup And then He runs against And oversets a Rose And then does Nothing Then away upon

Wild Nights Wild Nights!

Wild Nights Wild Nights! Were I with thee Wild Nights should be Our luxury! Futile the Winds To a Heart in port Done with the Compass Done with the Chart! Rowing in Eden Ah,

If I shouldn't be alive

If I shouldn’t be alive When the Robins come, Give the one in Red Cravat, A Memorial crumb. If I couldn’t thank you, Being fast asleep, You will know I’m trying Why my Granite

Heart, not so heavy as mine

Heart, not so heavy as mine Wending late home As it passed my window Whistled itself a tune A careless snatch a ballad A ditty of the street Yet to my irritated Ear An

I know of people in the Grave

I know of people in the Grave Who would be very glad To know the news I know tonight If they the chance had had. ‘Tis this expands the least event And swells the

I have never seen "Volcanoes&quot

I have never seen “Volcanoes” But, when Travellers tell How those old phlegmatic mountains Usually so still Bear within appalling Ordnance, Fire, and smoke, and gun, Taking Villages for breakfast, And appalling Men If

'Tis not that Dying hurts us so

‘Tis not that Dying hurts us so ‘Tis Living hurts us more But Dying is a different way A Kind behind the Door The Southern Custom of the Bird That ere the Frosts are

Somewhere upon the general Earth

Somewhere upon the general Earth Itself exist Today The Magic passive but extant That consecrated me Indifferent Seasons doubtless play Where I for right to be Would pay each Atom that I am But

Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat?

Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat? Then crouch within the door Red is the Fire’s common tint But when the vivid Ore Has vanquished Flame’s conditions, It quivers from the Forge

Midsummer, was it, when They died

Midsummer, was it, when They died A full, and perfect time The Summer closed upon itself In Consummated Bloom The Corn, her furthest kernel filled Before the coming Flail When These leaned unto Perfectness

The Rose did caper on her cheek

The Rose did caper on her cheek Her Bodice rose and fell Her pretty speech like drunken men Did stagger pitiful Her fingers fumbled at her work Her needle would not go What ailed

That she forgot me was the least

That she forgot me was the least I felt it second pain That I was worthy to forget Was most I thought upon. Faithful was all that I could boast But Constancy became To
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