If I may have it, when it's dead
If I may have it, when it’s dead,
I’ll be contented so
If just as soon as Breath is out
It shall belong to me
Until they lock it in the Grave,
‘Tis Bliss I cannot weigh
For tho’ they lock Thee in the Grave,
Myself can own the key
Think of it Lover! I and Thee
Permitted face to face to be
After a Life a Death We’ll say
For Death was That
And this is Thee
I’ll tell Thee All how Bald it grew
How Midnight felt, at first to me
How all the Clocks stopped in the World
And Sunshine pinched me ‘Twas so cold
Then how the Grief got sleepy some
As if my Soul were deaf and dumb
Just making signs across to Thee
That this way thou could’st notice me
I’ll tell you how I tried to keep
A smile, to show you, when this Deep
All Waded We look back for Play,
At those Old Times in Calvary,
Forgive me, if the Grave come slow
For Coveting to look at Thee
Forgive me, if to stroke thy frost
Outvisions Paradise!

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