Home ⇒ 📌Emily Dickinson ⇒ Don't put up my Thread and Needle
Don't put up my Thread and Needle
Don’t put up my Thread and Needle
I’ll begin to Sew
When the Birds begin to whistle
Better Stitches so
These were bent my sight got crooked
When my mind is plain
I’ll do seams a Queen’s endeavor
Would not blush to own
Hems too fine for Lady’s tracing
To the sightless Knot
Tucks of dainty interspersion
Like a dotted Dot
Leave my Needle in the furrow
Where I put it down
I can make the zigzag stitches
Straight when I am strong
Till then dreaming I am sewing
Fetch the seam I missed
Closer so I at my sleeping
Still surmise I stitch

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