Although I put away his life
Although I put away his life
An Ornament too grand
For Forehead low as mine, to wear,
This might have been the Hand
That sowed the flower, he preferred
Or smoothed a homely pain,
Or pushed the pebble from his path
Or played his chosen tune
On Lute the least the latest
But just his Ear could know
That whatsoe’er delighted it,
I never would let go
The foot to bear his errand
A little Boot I know
Would leap abroad like Antelope
With just the grant to do
His weariest Commandment
A sweeter to obey,
Than “Hide and Seek”
Or skip to Flutes
Or all Day, chase the Bee
Your Servant, Sir, will weary
The Surgeon, will not come
The World, will have its own to do
The Dust, will vex your Fame
The Cold will force your tightest door
Some February Day,
But say my apron bring the sticks
To make your Cottage gay
That I may take that promise
To Paradise, with me
To teach the Angels, avarice,
You, Sir, taught first to me.

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