Father Explains
“There where that ray touches the plain
And the shadows escape as if they really ran,
Warsaw stands, open from all sides,
A city not very old but quite famous.
“Farther, where strings of rain hang from a little cloud,
Under the hills with an acacia grove
Is Prague. Above it, a marvelous castle
Shored against a slope in accordance with old rules.
“What divides this land with white foam
Is the Alps. The black means fir forests.
Beyond them, bathing in the yellow sun
Italy lies, like a deep-blue dish.
“Among the many fine cities that are there
You will recogni2e Rome, Christendom’s capital,
By those round roofs on the church
Called the Basilica of Saint Peter.
“And there, to the north, beyond a bay,
Where a level bluish mist moves in waves,
Paris tries to keep pace with its tower
And reins in its herd of bridges.
“Also other cities accompany Paris,
They are adorned with glass, arrayed in iron,
But for today that would be too much,
I’ll tell the rest another time

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