Christopher Smart

Jubilate Agno: Fragment B, Part 3

For a Man is to be looked upon in that which he excells as on a prospect. For there be twelve cardinal virtues three to the East Greatness, Valour, Piety. For there be three


The shepherd Christ from heav’n arriv’d, My flesh and spirit feeds; I shall not therefore be depriv’d Of all my nature needs. As slop’d against the glist’ning beam The velvet verdure swells, He keeps,

For I Will Consider My Cat Jeoffry (excerpt, Jubilate Agno)

For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry. For he is the servant of the Living God duly and daily serving him. For at the first glance of the glory of God in the East

Where's the Poker?

The poker lost, poor Susan storm’d, And all the rites of rage perform’d; As scolding, crying, swearing, sweating, Abusing, fidgetting, and fretting. “Nothing but villany, and thieving; Good heavens! what a world we live

A Song to David (excerpt)

Sweet is the dew that falls betimes, And drops upon the leafy limes; Sweet Hermon’s fragrant air: Sweet is the lily’s silver bell, And sweet the wakeful tapers smell That watch for early pray’r.

The Pig

In ev’ry age, and each profession, Men err the most by prepossession; But when the thing is clearly shown, And fairly stated, fully known, We soon applaud what we deride, And penitence succeeds to

On My Wife's Birth-Day

‘Tis Nancy’s birth-day raise your strains, Ye nymphs of the Parnassian plains, And sing with more than usual glee To Nancy, who was born for me. Tell the blythe Graces as they bound, Luxuriant

Jubilate Agno: Fragment B, Part 1

Let Elizur rejoice with the Partridge, who is a prisoner of state and is proud of his keepers. Let Shedeur rejoice with Pyrausta, who dwelleth in a medium of fire, which God hath adapted

Jubilate Agno: Fragment B, Part 4

For God has given us a language of monosyllables to prevent our clipping. For a toad enjoys a finer prospect than another creature to compensate his lack. Tho’ toad I am the object of

On a Lady Throwing Snow-Balls at Her Lover

[From the Latin of Petronious Ascanius.] When, wanton fair, the snowy orb you throw, I feel a fire before unknown in snow. E’en coldest snow I find has pow’r to warm My breast, when

The Sweets of Evening

The sweets of evening charm the mind, Sick of the sultry day; The body then no more confin’d, But exercise with freedom join’d, When Phoebus sheathes his ray. While all-serene the summer moon Sends

Jubilate Agno: Fragment C

Let Ramah rejoice with Cochineal. Let Gaba rejoice with the Prickly Pear, which the Cochineal feeds on. Let Nebo rejoice with the Myrtle-Leaved-Sumach as with the Skirret Jub. 2d. Let Magbish rejoice with the

Jubilate Agno: Fragment D

Let Dew, house of Dew rejoice with Xanthenes a precious stone of an amber colour. Let Round, house of Round rejoice with Myrmecites a gern having an Emmet in it. Let New, house of

Epistle to Mrs. Tyler

It ever was allow’d, dear Madam, Ev’n from the days of father Adam, Of all perfection flesh is heir to, Fair patience is the gentlest virtue; This is a truth our grandames teach, Our

A Song To David

I O THOU, that sit’st upon a throne, With harp of high majestic tone, To praise the King of kings; And voice of heav’n-ascending swell, Which, while its deeper notes excell, Clear, as a

Jubilate Agno: Fragment A

Rejoice in God, O ye Tongues; give the glory to the Lord, and the Lamb. Nations, and languages, and every Creature, in which is the breath of Life. Let man and beast appear before

From Jubilate Agno, Fragment B, lines 695-768

For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry. For he is the servant of the Living God, duly and daily serving him. For at the first glance of the glory of God in the East

The Long-Nosed Fair

Once on a time I fair Dorinda kiss’d, Whose nose was too distinguish’d to be miss’d; My dear, says I, I fain would kiss you closer, But tho’ your lips say aye your nose