Home ⇒ 📌Charles Simic ⇒ Errata
Where it says snow
Read teeth-marks of a virgin
Where it says knife read
You passed through my bones
Like a police-whistle
Where it says table read horse
Where it says horse read my migrant’s bundle
Apples are to remain apples
Each time a hat appears
Think of Isaac Newton
Reading the Old Testament
Remove all periods
They are scars made by words
I couldn’t bring myself to say
Put a finger over each sunrise
It will blind you otherwise
That damn ant is still stirring
Will there be time left to list
All errors to replace
All hands guns owls plates
All cigars ponds woods and reach
That beer-bottle my greatest mistake
The word I allowed to be written
When I should have shouted
Her name

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- In The Kalahari Desert The sun rose like a tarnished Looking-glass to catch the sun And flash His hot message At the missionaries below Isabella and the Rev. Roger Price, And the Helmores with a broken axle Left, two days behind, at Fever Ponds. The wilderness was full of home: A glinting beetle on its back Struggled like an […]...