Thy Name
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
I will declare thy name unto my brethren…. Psalm 102
OK. Let’s not call what ditched us God:
Ghu, the root in Sanskrit, means not God,
But only the calling thereupon. Let’s call God
Fun. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
Was Fun. Fun created man in his own image.
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no Fun.
Let’s call the House of God the Funhouse. Fun
Derives, according to Dr. Onions (may he
With his Johnson rest in peace), from fond,
Or foolish. God, in this prime sense, is fond
Of us, and we, if all goes well, of him. Let’s
Call God luck. There is no luck in scripture.
Chance gets mentioned several times, my favorite
Being, Time and chance happeneth to them all;
But luck is the unspoken name. King David
To the harp and sackbut sings, in paraphrase, My luck?
Gimme a fucking break! With my luck, how do I know?

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