Composed of chalk dust,
Pencil shavings and
The sharp odour
Of stale urine;
It meets me now and then
Creeping down a creosoted corridor
Or waiting to be banged
With the dust from piles of books
On top of a cupboard.
The double desks heeled with iron
Having long been replaced;
The steel-nibbed pens and
Ink watered to pale grey
Gone too: the cane’s bamboo bite
Has nothing left to bite on
And David’s psalms
Must learn each other.
But it’s there
Ready to spring out
Like a coiled snake skin still envenomed
After years by a suburban hearth.
It was fifteen years ago
But I still remember Smigger,
Our greying old headmaster
In his spats and striped trousers,
The last in our town to wear them,
And his northern accent,
Heavy as Sunday.
“Now then you lads,
I’m not having this
Or I’ll tan you all,”
He’d bawl at a mill-hand’s boy
For drawing cunts on the lavatory wall.
Old Holmes, too, his yellow teeth
And hair all over the place,
One hand trembling with shell shock.
The other with rage, one foot lame
And brain half daft,
Ready to belt you
For moving an eye.
The boys were always
Belching and farting
And tormenting me for my
Long words and soft voice
And they do still
When I sense that stink
In my nostrils.

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