Home ⇒ 📌Audre Lorde ⇒ The Electric Slide Boogie
The Electric Slide Boogie
New Year’s Day 1:16 AM
And my body is weary beyond
Time to withdraw and rest
Ample room allowed me in everyone’s head
But community calls
Right over the threshold
Drums beating through the walls
Children playing their truck dramas
Under the collapsible coatrack
In the narrow hallway outside my room
The TV lounge next door is wide open
It is midnight in Idaho
And the throb easy subtle spin
Of the electric slide boogie
Around the corner of the parlor
Past the sweet clink
Of dining room glasses
And the edged aroma of slightly overdone
Dutch-apple pie
All laced together
With the rich dark laughter
Of Gloria
And her higher-octave sisters
How hard it is to sleep
In the middle of life.

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