The Guppy

Whales have calves, Cats have kittens, Bears have cubs, Bats have bittens, Swans have cygnets, Seals have puppies, But guppies just have little guppies.

If He Were Alive Today, Mayhap, Mr. Morgan Would Sit on the Midget's Lap

“Beep-beep. BANKERS TRUST AUTOMOBILE LOAN You’ll find a banker at Bankers Trust” Advertisement in N. Y. Times When comes my second childhood, As to all men it must, I want to be a banker

The Chipmunk

My friends all know that I am shy, But the chipmunk is twice and shy and I. He moves with flickering indecision Like stripes across the television. He’s like the shadow of a cloud,

The Sniffle

In spite of her sniffle Isabel’s chiffle. Some girls with a sniffle Would be weepy and tiffle; They would look awful, Like a rained-on waffle, But Isabel’s chiffle In spite of her sniffle. Her

Lines Indited With All The Depravity Of Poverty

One way to be very happy is to be very rich For then you can buy orchids by the quire and bacon by the flitch. And yet at the same time People don’t mind

The Joyous Malingerer

Who is the happy husband? Why, indeed, ‘Tis he who’s useless in the time of need; Who, asked to unclasp a bracelet or a neckless, Contrives to be utterly futile, fumbling, feckless, Or when

The People Upstairs

The people upstairs all practise ballet Their living room is a bowling alley Their bedroom is full of conducted tours. Their radio is louder than yours, They celebrate week-ends all the week. When they

The Sunset Years of Samuel Shy

Master I may be, But not of my fate. Now come the kisses, too many too late. Tell me, O Parcae, For fain would I know, Where were these kisses three decades ago? Girls

The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Belinda lived in a little white house, With a little black kitten and a little gray mouse, And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon, And a realio, trulio, little pet dragon.

The Hippopotamus

Behold the hippopotamus! We laugh at how he looks to us, And yet in moments dank and grim, I wonder how we look to him. Peace, peace, thou hippopotamus! We really look all right

Just Keep Quiet and Nobody Will Notice

There is one thing that ought to be taught in all the colleges, Which is that people ought to be taught not to go around always making apologies. I don’t mean the kind of

The Firefly

The firefly’s flame Is something for which science has no name I can think of nothing eerier Than flying around with an unidentified glow on a Person’s posteerier.

The Boy Who Laughed At Santa Claus

In Baltimore there lived a boy. He wasn’t anybody’s joy. Although his name was Jabez Dawes, His character was full of flaws. In school he never led his classes, He hid old ladies’ reading

A Caution To Everybody

Consider the auk; Becoming extinct because he forgot how to fly, and could only walk. Consider man, who may well become extinct Because he forgot how to walk and learned how to fly before

The Praying Mantis

From whence arrived the praying mantis? From outer space, or lost Atlantis? Glimpse the grin, green metal mug At masks the pseudo-saintly bug, Orthopterous, also carnivorous, And faintly whisper, Lord deliver us.
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